… in our opinion is to help students help themselves. To teach and guide them to the point where they become independent learners, and require less professional tutoring to none at all.
Knowledge can be learned, but applying it, requires thorough thinking. The most important job we have at Socrates Tutoring is the student’s personal development. As Greek philosopher Socrates would have put it: “ I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” Our students learn academic and time management behaviours and habits that will continue to help them be successful students throughout their studies.
A good tutor is someone who is available, can maintain a steady communication of quality with the student, and is the point of academic support. Not just before tests and final exams but over the time.
Tutoring is a personal communication, a one-on-one connection, developed as the tutor understands the student’s rhythm of learning, and gives the student enough confidence to both explore and research the subject on their own. Researching is an amazing skill that leads to a deeper knowledge, experience, and self growth. It can be learned during the Socrates teaching experience and then applied through life.
When learning math, students gain self-confidence through time. It grows along with their understanding of the course content and its applications.
Math IS NOT like any other subject! Learning math takes years.
From the moment toddler writes her/his first numeral throughout cute toothless parroting of multiplication tables, to High School graduation and beyond.